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Oh No, My Diamond Was Stolen!

Oh No, My Diamond Was Stolen!

Here are some steps you can take to try to locate it:

File a police report: This should be your first step. Provide as much detail as possible about the diamond, including any unique markings or characteristics.

Check online marketplaces: Keep an eye on online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, or specialized jewelry websites. Sometimes stolen items end up there.

Inform jewelers and pawn shops: Notify local jewelers and pawn shops about the theft. They can keep an eye out for anyone trying to sell your diamond.

Monitor social media: Spread the word on social media platforms about the theft. People may share information that could help you locate the diamond.

Contact your insurance company: If you have insurance for the diamond, contact your insurance provider. They may be able to help with the recovery process.

Offer a reward: Consider offering a reward for information leading to the recovery of the diamond. Sometimes this can incentivize people to come forward with information.

Be patient and persistent: Recovering stolen items can take time and effort. Keep following up with authorities and exploring different avenues for recovery.

The best and most accurate way to identify your stone is with a laser inscription. This is usually done when purchased. However, it can be added later. The most popular organizations to perform this task are GIA (Gemological Institute of America) and IGI (International Gemological Institute) Both are well-known gemological laboratories that provide laser inscriptions and grading reports for diamonds. While they don’t specifically track stolen diamonds, they do keep records of diamonds they have graded. In the case of stolen diamonds, law enforcement agencies often collaborate with such institutes to identify and trace stolen stones if they come across them in their databases. These laboratories play a crucial role in verifying the authenticity and characteristics of diamonds, which can aid in recovering stolen gems.

Because laser inscriptions are very small and difficult to read, they require high magnification. The microscopes for reading laser inscriptions are easy to use and are available at Star Struck.

Click here to view microscopes. 

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